Micro Joining

Our range of services

Fraunhofer ILT researches and develops laser-based joining technology in which different processes are used, such as laser welding, laser soldering or laser bonding, depending on the material class. The institute continues to develop processes such as the precision welding of metals, plastic welding or glass and ceramic processing, and adapts them for industrial applications. One focal point lies in the development of high-performance energy storage systems: A laser can reliably generate electrical contacts of copper materials and dissimilar metal combinations – for example, for the construction of battery modules or packs. These connections are characterized by their ability to carry high current.

Special tunable lasers can be used to weld plastic-metal compounds for the automotive industry or transparent and highly crystalline plastics for electronics or medical technology particularly well. Thanks to innovative irradiation technologies, the thermal load on the workpieces remains low. In the field of display, lighting and sensor technology, lasers are also used to encapsulate electronic components, to weld transparent plastics without absorbers and to solder glass for hermetic packaging.

The services offered by Fraunhofer ILT in the field of joining technology range from customer-specific process development, integration in industrial plant engineering, services in the areas of simulation and diagnostics, and comprehensive consulting.

Contacted 18650 battery cells.
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Contacted 18650 battery cells.
Laser beam micro-welding of pouch cells.
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Laser beam micro-welding of pouch cells.
Glass-metal connections consisting of a borosilicate glass lid and a Kovar sleeve.
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Glass-metal connections consisting of a borosilicate glass lid and a Kovar sleeve.

Micro Welding

  • Micro welding of steel, copper, aluminum
  • Welding of heterogeneous materials
  • Micro joints for electrical and precision engineering


  • Micro soft soldering for electronic / electrical engineering
  • Brazing of heterogeneous materials
  • Selective glass soldering for display technology and photovoltaics


  • Si / glass joints
  • Si / Si bonding
  • Micro welding of dielectric materials
  • Packaging solutions for sensor technology and microsystems technology

Plastics Welding

  • Welding of contours and welding simultaneously
  • Transparent / transparent joints
  • Metal-plastic joints


Our brochures offer a quick view onto our service portfolio. Find more detailed information in the “project results“ tab.


“Micro Joining with Laser Radiation“


“Laser Processes for Hydrogen Technology”


“Laser-Based Contacting of Batteries and Power Electronics“


“Laser Processes for the Efficient Production of Energy Storage Systems“


“Laser Technology in Photovoltaics“


“Lasers in Plastics Technology“

Video: Laser-based micro joining for a wide range of connections

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From medical technology and hybrid joints for lightweight applications to battery and fuel cell production for the future of mobility: Scientists from the Micro Joining Group at Fraunhofer ILT are developing a wide range of joining techniques for various applications. Here, laser technology allows high-precision welding with minimal thermal stress and the generation of the smallest seam structures. Fraunhofer ILT possesses cutting-edge equipment and a spectrum of different laser beam sources to develop customized solutions for industry and science.


Laser technology can solve demanding tasks in many different industries. Whether as a tool in automotive production, as measuring equipment in the environmental sector, as a diagnostic or therapeutic instrument in medical technology or as a communication medium in space technology, the laser provides multiple uses with high productivity and high efficiency.

Read up about the innovations of the Fraunhofer ILT in a few selected industries and convince yourself!


Research with us!

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about general topics! Our contact persons are happy to get in touch with you.


Britten, S., Wein, S., Olowinsky, A., Gillner, A.:
Laser impulse metal bonding with temporal power modulation
PCIM Europe 2015, Nürnberg, May 19 – 21 (7 S.) (2015)

Britten, S. W., Wang, A. Y.-T., Olowinsky, A., Gillner, A.:
Measurement of the vapor plume velocity in Laser Impulse Metal Bonding with temporal power modulation
LAMP 2015 – the 7th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan, (7 S.) (2015)

Engelmann, C., Meier, D., Olowinsky, A., Kielwasser, M.:
Metal meets composite - hybrid joining for automotive applications
LIM 2015 - Lasers in Manufacturing, Munich, June 22-25 (10 S.) (2015)

Kind, H., Gehlen, E., Aden, M., Olowinsky, A., Gillner, A.:
Laser glass frit sealing for encapsulation of vacuum insulation glasses
Physics Procedia  56, 673-680 (2014)

Mamuschkin, V., Olowinsky, A., Britten, S., Engelmann, C.:
Investigations on laser transmission welding of absorber-free thermoplastics
Proc. SPIE  8968, 1-9 (2014)

Mehlmann, B., Gehlen, E., Olowinsky, A., Gillner, A.:
Laser micro welding for ribbon bonding
Physics Procedia  56, 776-781 (2014)

Mehlmann, B., Olowinsky, A., Thuilot, M., Gillner, A.:
Spatially modulated laser beam micro welding of CuSn6 and nickel-plated DC04 steel for battery applications
JLMN J. Laser Micro/Nanoeng. 9 (3), 276-281 (2014)

Aden, M., Mamuschkin, V., Olowinsky, A., Glaser, S.:
Influence of Titanium dioxide pigments on the optical properties of polycarbonate and polypropylene for diode laser wavelengths
J. Appl. Polymer Sci. (early view) 2013 (5 S.)

Britten, S., Olowinsky, A. Gillner, A.:
Stress-minimized laser soldering of h-pattern multicrystalline silicon solar cells
Physics Procedia  41, 153-163 (2013)

Wissinger, A., Olowinsky, A., Gillner, A., Poprawe, R.:
Laser transmission bonding of silicon to silicon with metallic interlayers for wafer-level packaging
Microsyst. Technol. 19 (5), 669-673 (2013)

Mehlmann, B., Olowinsky, A., Thuilot, M., Gillner, A.:
Spatially modulated laser beam micro welding of CuSn6 and nickel-plated DC04 steel for battery applications
Proc. of Lamp2013 - the 6th Int. Congr. on Laser Advanced Materials Processing (7 S.) (2013)

Wissinger, A., Olowinsky, A., Gillner, A., Poprawe, R.:
Laser transmission bonding of silicon with metallic interlayers for wafer-level packaging
Microsyst. Technol. Online first DOI 10.1007/s00542-012-1636-4.
5 S. (2012)

Kind, H., Olowinsky, A., Gehlen, E.
Laserprozess statt Ofenlötung.
Laser + Produktion, 30-32, 2011

Olowinsky, A., Boglea, A.:
Extending the process limits of laser polymer welding with high-brilliance beam sources (recent status and prospects of POLYBRIGHT).
Proc. SPIE 7921, 792107, 15 S., 2011

Olowinsky, A., Kind, H.
Laser glass frit bonding for hermetic sealing of glass substrates and sensors
LPM 2010 - 11th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, Stuttgart , 07. - 10. Juni 2010. (4 S.)

Schmitt, F., Olowinsky, A.
Laser beam micro-joining
In: Yi Quin: Micromanufacturing Engineering and Technology. Norwich, N.Y.: W. Andrew Publ. 2010. pp. 185-201. ISBN 978-0-8155-1545-6

Schmitt, F., Mehlmann, B., Gedicke, J., Olowinsky, A., Gillner, A., Poprawe, R.
Laser beam micro welding with high brilliant fiber lasers
J. Laser Micro/Nanoeng. 5, Nr 3, 197-203

N. C. Stache, A. Stollenwerk, J. Gedicke, A. Olowinsky, A. Knepper, T. Aach
Automatic calibration of a scanner-based laser welding system
J. Laser Appl.
21, Nr 1, 10-15, 2009

G. L. Georgiev, R. J. Baird, E. F. McCullen, G. Newaz, G. Auner, R. Patwa, H. Herfurth
Chemical bond formation during laser bonding of Teflon (R) FEP and titanium
Appl. Surf. Sci.
255, Nr 15, 7078-7083, 2009

F. Schmitt, B. Mehlmann, J. Gedicke, A. Olowinsky, A. Gillner, R. Poprawe
Laser beam micro welding with high brilliant fiber lasers
Proc. of LAMP 2009 – 5th Int. Congr. on Laser Advanced Materials Processing, June 29 - July 2, 2009, Kobe, Japan
6 S.

F. Schmitt, M. Schulz-Ruthenberg, A. Olowinsky, A. Gillner
Laser joining process for photovoltaic module production
Proc. of the 5th Int. WLT-Conf. on Lasers in Manufacturing 2009, Munich, June 15 18, 2009. Ed. by A. Ostendorf [u.a.]
Stuttgart: AT-Fachverlag 2009
pp. 625-630

F. Sari, D. Flock, A. Gillner, R. Poprawe, E. Haberstroh
Laserdurchstrahlfügen für Mikrosysteme und Halbleitertechnik
4. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion. Hrsg. F. Vollertsen, S. Büttgenbach
Bremen: BIAS Verl. 2009
12 S.

R. Poprawe, F. Schmitt, J. Gedicke, B. Mehlmann, A. Olowinsky, A. Gillner
Systemtechnik zur örtlichen Leistungsmodulation beim Laserstrahl-Mikroschweißen.
4. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion. Hrsg.: F. Vollertsen, [u.a.]
Bremen: BIAS Verl. 2009
10 S.

F. Schmitt, M. Funck, A. Boglea, R. Poprawe
Development and application of miniaturized scanners for laser beam micro-welding
Microsystem Technol.
14, 1861-1869, 2008

F. Schmitt, M. Funck, A. Boglea, R. Poprawe
Development and application of miniaturized scanners for laser beam micro welding
Proc. of PICALO 2008, 3rd Pacific Int. Conf. on Applications of Lasers and Optics, April 16-18, 2008, Bejing, China
727-732, 2008

N. Stache, J. Dieckelmann, R. Firnich, J. Gedicke, P. Abels, A. Olowinsky, T. Aach
High speed video-based melt pool surveillance in laser spot welding
Proc. of the 27th Int. Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics 2008, ICALEO, Temecula, CA, USA,
October 20-23, 2008

F. Schmitt, A. Prießner, B. Krämer, A. Gillner
Laser joining photovoltaic modules
Ind. Laser Solutions
23, 20-23, 2008

A. Gillner
Laser micro processing
Laser Technik J.
5, 27-30, 2008

F. Sari, M. Wiemer, M. Bernasch, J. Bagdahn
Laser transmission bonding of silicon-to-silicon and silicon-to-glass for wafer level packaging and Microsystems
ECS Trans.
16, 561-568, 2008

P. Albus, A. Boglea, B. Burbaum, J. Holtkamp, I. Kelbassa, V. Nazery-Goneghany, A. Olowinsky, D. Petring, M. Poggel, F. Schmitt, F. Schneider, N. Wolf, R. Poprawe
Neue Schweißtechnologien mit neuen Lasern
Proc. of 10th International Aachen Welding Conference iASTK´07
229-242, 2007

N. C. Stache, H. Zimmer, J. Gedicke, B. Regaard, A. Olowinsky, A. Knepper, T. Aach
Approaches for High-Speed Melt Pool Detection in Laser Welding Applications
Proceedings of VMV 11
217-224, 2006

J. Gedicke, B. Regaard, K. Klages, A. Olowinsky, S. Kaierle
Comparison of different process monitoring methods for laser beam micro welding
Proceedings of ICALEO 2006
8 Seiten, 2006

J. Gedicke, B. Regaard, A. Gillner, S. Kaierle
Kontrolle beim Mikroschweißen - Automatisierte Prozessüberwachung durch koaxiale Prozesskontrolle mit Fremdbeleuchtung
Laser Technik Journal 3
33-37, 2006

E. Haberstroh, W.-M. Hoffmann, R. Poprawe, F. Sari
Laser transmission joining in microtechnology
Microsystem Technologies 12
632-639, 2006

A. Gillner, K. Klages, F. Sari
Mikrofügen mit Laserstrahlung
Laser Technik Journal 3
39-43, 2006

Our services cover a wide range of topics. Related topics to micro joining and further research and development focuses can be found under the following links.