Baer, P., Cebeci, P., Reiter, M., Giesberts, M., Hoffmann, D.:
10 W-class, narrow-linewidth, linearly polarized, low-noise Holmium-doped Fiber Amplifier at 2095 nm.
Optics Continuum 3(8), 1302-1310 (2024) (Open Access)
Baer, P.:
Erhöhung der durch nichtlineare Effekte verursachten Leistungsgrenzen von Faserlasern durch besondere Fasergeometrien
Apprimus Verlag (2024)
Baer, P., Cebeci, P., Reiter, M., Giesberts, M., Hoffmann, H.-D.:
Narrow-linewidth and low-noise holmium-doped fiber amplifier at 2095 nm with compact packaging
SPIE LASE, 2024, San Francisco, California, United States. Proceedings Volume 12865, Fiber Lasers XXI: Technology and Systems; 128651J (2024)
Baer, P., Cebeci, P., Reiter, M., Bontke, F., Giesberts, M., Hoffmann, D.:
Ultra-low-noise, single-frequency, all-PM Thulium- and Holmium-doped Fiber Amplifiers at 1950 nm and 2090 nm for third-generation Gravitational Wave Detectors.
IEEE Photonics Journal 16(1), 1500809, (2024) (Open Access)
Cebeci, P., Giesberts, M., Baer, P., Hoffmann, H.-D.:
Narrow-linewidth single-stage fiber amplifier with an output power of 15 W at 1064 nm
SPIE LASE, 2024, San Francisco, California, United States. Proceedings Volume 12865, Fiber Lasers XXI: Technology and Systems; 128651J (2024)
Giesberts, M., Bontke, F., Reiter, M., Baer, P., Hoffmann, H.-D., Bartram, M.,:
Thulium-doped high-power fiber amplifier for ⪅500 ps directly gain-switched seed diodes
SPIE LASE, 2024, San Francisco, California, United States. Proceedings Volume 12865, Fiber Lasers XXI: Technology and Systems; 128651J (2024)
Reiter, M., Baer, P.:
Thermo-optical Simulation of Holmium-doped Fiber Amplifiers for high-power Applications.
Optics Continuum 3(8), 1516-1527, (2024)
Baer, P., Elshani, A., Reiter, M., Cebeci, P., Giesberts, M., Ebert, J., Hoefer, M., Hoffmann, D.:
Thulium- and Holmium-doped high stability fiber amplifiers at 2 µm for next generation gravitational wave detectors.
SPIE LASE, 2023, San Francisco, California, United States. Proceedings Volume 12400, Fiber Lasers XX: Technology and Systems; 124000J (2023)
Cebeci, P., Giesberts, M., Baer, P., Eßer, J., Gützlaff, J., Hoffmann, H.-D., Dahl, K.:
Highly stable fiber amplifier development and environmental component-testing for the space-based gravitational wave detector LISA.
SPIE LASE, 28.1-2.2. 2023 , San Francisco CA, United States, California, United States. Proceedings Volume 12400, Fiber Lasers XX: Technology and Systems; 124001H (2023)
Sider, A., Di Fronzo, C., Amez-Droz, L., Amorosi, A., Badaracco, F., Baer, P., Bertolini, A., Bruno, G., Cebeci, P., Collette, C., Ebert, J., Erben, B., Esteves, R., Ferreira, E., Gatti, A., Giesberts, M., Hebbeker, T., van Heijningen, J., Hennig, J., Hennig, M., Hild, S., Hoefer, M., Hoffmann, H., Jacques, L., Jamshidi, R., Joppe, R., Kuhlbusch, T., Lakkis, M., Lenaerts, C., Locquet, J., Loicq, J., Le Van, B., Loosen, P., Nesladek, M., Reiter, M., Stahl, A., Steinlechner, J., Steinlechner, S., Tavernier, F., Teloi, M., Vilaboa Pérez, J., Zeoli, M.:
E-TEST: a compact low-frequency isolator for a large cryogenic mirror.
Classical and Quantum Gravity 40(16), 165002- (2023) (Open Access)
Baer, P., Cebeci, P., Giesberts, M., Hoffmann, H-D., Loosen, P., ETpathfinder Konsortium,:
ETpathfinder: a cryogenic testbed for interferometric gravitational-wave detectors.
Classical and Quantum Gravity 39(21), (2022) (Open Access)
Baer, P., Cebeci, P., Giesberts, M., Hoffmann, D.:
High stability fiber amplifiers for terrestrial and space sensing applications at 1 and 2 µm.
Optica Advanced Photonics Congress 2022, 25-28 Juni 2022, Busan, South Korea. Application of Lasers to Sensing and Free Space Communication (LS&C).
Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), LsM6C.6, (2022)
Baer, P., Klein, S., Raguse, M., Giesberts, M., Reiter, M., Hoffmann, D.:
Monolithic highly Multi-Mode XLMA-Fiber Resonator for High Power Operation.
OPTICS EXPRESS 30(19), 33842-33849 (2022) (Open Access)
Raguse, M., Klein, S., Baer, P., Giesberts, M., Traub, M., Hoffmann, H-D.:
Investigations on high-reflective Fiber-Bragg-Gratings in multimode fibers.
OSA Continuum 1(5), 965-973, (2022) (Open Access)
Baer, P., Klein, S.; Raguse, M., Reiter, M., Giesberts, M., Fitzau, O., Hoffmann, H.-D:
Highly reflective Fiber Bragg Gratings in active Fibers for fiber-integrated Multi-Mode Resonators.
SPIE LASE, 2022, San Francisco, California, United States, 22 January -28. February 2022.
Proceedings Volume 11981, Fiber Lasers XIX: Technology and Systems, 1198114 - (5 S.) (2022)
Betz, P., Eßer, J., Gräfe, C., Plum, J. B.:
Temperature systems based on Peltier-elements for the use in a Thermal Vacuum Chamber and a Bakeout Facility for space laser components.
50th International Conference on Environmental Systems ICES, 12.-15. July 2021, virtuel only. Proceedings
Baer, P., Giesberts, M., Fitzau, O.:
Investigations on single-mode fibers with rectangular core geometry
OSA Continuum, Vol. 3, Issue 8, pp. 2243-2252 (2020)
Cebeci, P., Vera Mosquera, J., Höfer, M., Fitzau, O., Giesberts, M., Erben, B., Hoffmann, H.,
Highly stable, high power hybrid fiber and Innoslab amplifier for narrow linewidth signals.
SPIE LASE, 1-6 February 2020, San Francisco, California, United States.
Proceedings Volume 11259, Solid State Lasers XXIX: Technology and Devices; 112590L (2020)
Fitzau, O.:
Fasergekoppelte optische Isolatoren für Hochleistungs-Faserlaser
Ergebnisse aus der Lasertechnik, Apprimus Verlag (2020)
Klein, S., Giesberts, M., Baer, P., Raguse, M., Fitzau, O., Traub, M., Hoffmann, H.-D., Krause, V., Rehmann, G.:
Fiber Bragg gratings in active multimode XLMA fibers for high-power kW-class fiber lasers.
SPIE LASE, 01-06 Feb. 2020, San Francisco, California, United States. Proceedings Volume 11260, Fiber Lasers XVII: Technology and Systems, 1126025 (2020)
Baer, P., Cebeci, P., Giesberts, M., Fitzau, O.:
Design and fabrication of a fused 7 x 1 35/50 µm into 125/250 µm fiber combiner
OSA Continuum, Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp. 1106-1112 (2019)
Dahl, K., Cebeci, P., Fitzau, O. Giesberts, M., Greve, C., Kruztik, M., Peters, A., Amairi Pyka, S., Sanjuan, J., Schiemangk, M., Schuldt, T., Voss, K., Wicht, A.:
A new laser technology for LISA
Proc. SPIE 11180, International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2018, 111800C (12 July 2019)
Fitzau, O., Betz, P., Cebeci, P., Giesberts, M., Hoffmann, D., Schiemangk, M., Wicht, A., Sanjuan, J., Dahl, K., Amairi Pyka, S., Kovalchuk, E., Peters, A.:
Highly stable fiber lasers for satellite-based gravitational measurements
Proc. SPIE 10897, Fiber Lasers XVI: Technology and Systems, 108972H (7 March 2019)
Greve, C., Dahl, K., Barwood, G., Cebeci, P., Deutsch, C., Fitzau, O., Giesberts, M., Ghulinyan, M., Gill, P., Kassner, B., Koller, S., Krutzik, M., Kundermann, S., Le Goff, R., Oswald, M., Peters, A., Pyka Amairi, S., Sanjuan, J., Schiemangk, M., Schilt, S., Schuldt, T., Sell, A., Stenzel, C., Voss, K., Wicht, A., Zhukov, A.:
Space based lasers for gravitational wave detection
Laser Applications Conference 2019 (ASSL, LAC, LS&C), 2019
Klein, S., Fitzau, O., Giesberts, M., Traub, M., Hoffmann, D., Krause, V., Rehmann, G.:
Investigation of fiber Bragg gratings for high-power multi-mode XLMA-based fiber lasers
Proc. SPIE 10897, Fiber Lasers XVI: Technology and Systems, 1089713 (7 March 2019)
Langner, A., Moser, F., Plass, J., Schönfeld, D., Schötz, G., Brabant, T., Kuka, G., Giesberts, M., Baer, P., Klein, S., Fitzau, O., Hoffmann, D., Rehmann, G., Krause, V.:
Improvement of the manufacturing process chain of sintered active XLMA fibers and their preforms for use in high power, high efficiency fiber resonators
Proc. SPIE 10897, Fiber Lasers XVI: Technology and Systems, 108970F (7 March 2019)
Giesberts, M., Fitzau, O., Hoffmann, D., Lange, R., Bachert, C., Krause, V.:
Directly q-switched high power resonator based on XLMA-fibers
Proc. SPIE 105122, Fiber Lasers XV: Technology and Systems, 1051218 (26 February 2018)
Lange, R., Bachert, C., Rehmann, G., Weber, H., Luxen, R.,Enns, H.,Schenk, M., Hosdorf, S., Marfels, S., Bay, M., Kösters, A., Krause, V., Giesberts, M., Fitzau, O., Hoffmann, H.-D.:
Fully integrated Q-switch for commercial high-power resonator with solitary XLMA-fiber.
SPIE LASE, 27 January-1 February 20182018, San Francisco, California, United States.
Proceedings Volume 10512, Fiber Lasers XV: Technology and Systems, 1051217, (7 S.) (2018)
Dahl, K., Nicklaus, K., Herding, M., Wang, X., Beller, N., Fitzau, O. Giesberts, M., Herper, M., Williams, R.A., Barwood, G.P., Lovelock, P., Gill, P., Koegel, H., Sell, A.:
High stability laser for interferometric earth gravity measurements
Proc. SPIE 10562, International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2016, 105620J (25 September 2017)
Neumann, A., Giesberts, M., Witte, U., Fitzau, O., Hoffmann, H.-D.:
Analytical model for diode-to-fiber coupling and beam propagation in weakly guiding fibers.
2017 IEEE High Power Diode Lasers and Systems Conference (HPD), 11 Oct - 12 Oct 2017, Coventry, UK.
Proc. IEEE High Power Diode Lasers & Systems, 35-36 (2017)
Löhring, J., Winzen, M., Faidel, H., Miesner, J., Plum, D., Klein, J. Fitzau, O., Giesberts, M., Brandenburg, W., Seidel, A., Schwanen, N., Riesters, D., Hengesbach, S., Hoffmann, D.:
Key optical components for spaceborne lasers
Proc. SPIE 9730, Components and Packaging for Laser Systems II, 97300O (22 April 2016)
Fitzau, O.:
Polarized fiber lasers and amplifiers
Springer Series in Optical Sciences. Vol. 189, 251-263 (2015)
Herper, M., Fitzau, O., Giesberts, M., Nicklaus, K., Barwood, G. P., Williams, R. A., Gill, P., Koegel, H., Hoffmann, D.:
High stability single-frequency Yb fiber amplifier for next generation gravity missions
Proc. SPIE 9344, Fiber Lasers XII: Technology, Systems, and Applications, 93440B (4 March 2015)
Mingareev, I., Gehlich, N., Bonhoff, T., Abdulfattah, A., Sincore, A. M., Kadwani, P., Shah, L., Richardson, M.:
Principles and applications of trans-wafer processing using a 2-µm thulium fiber laser
Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. (Online first) (12 S.) (2015)
Becker, M., Werner, M., Fitzau, O., Esser, D., Kobelke, J.: Lorenz, A., Schwuchow, A., Rothhardt, M., Schuster, K., Hoffmann, D., Bartelt, H.:
Laser-drilled free-form silica fiber preforms for microstructured optical fibers
Opt. Fiber Technol. 19 (5), 482-485 (2013)
Becker, M., Werner, M., Fitzau, O., Esser, D., Kobelke, J., Schuster, K., Lorenz, A., Schwuchow, A., Rothhardt, M., Hoffmann, D., Bartelt, H.:
Laser processed preforms for microstructured optical fibers
Proc. SPIE 8785, 8785C9 (8 S.) (2013)
Larsen, C., Giesberts, M., Nyga, S., Fitzau, O., Jungbluth, B., Hoffmann, D., Bang, O.:
Gain-switched all-fiber laser with narrow bandwidth
Optics Express, Vol. 21, Issue 10, pp. 12302-12308 (2013)
Katzy, V., Giesberts, M., Fitzau, O., Hoffmann, D.:
Single mode all-fiber pulse-pumped Raman amplifier for picosecond pulses
Advanced Solid-State Photonics (ASSP), San Diego, California, Jan. 29th - Feb. 1st, 3 S., 2012
Fitzau, O., Geiger, J., Hoffmann, H.D.:
Experimental and theoretical studies on kW class polarized fiber lasers for cw operation
Proc. SPIE
7195, 719509 (9 S.), 2009
Giesberts, M.; Geiger, J., Traub, M., Hoffmann, H.-D.:
Novel design of a gain-switched diode-pumped fiber laser
Proc. SPIE 7195, 71952P (9 S.), 2009
Geiger, J., Fitzau, O., Zintzen, B., Hoffmann, D.:
Single-mode, highly polarized Y1456b-doped fiber laser with 850 W output power
ASSP 2008, Nara, Japan, Jan 27-30,(3 S.), 2008
Zintzen, B., Emmerich, A., Geiger, J., Hoffmann, D., Loosen, P.:
Effective cooling for high-power fiber lasers
Proc. of the 4th Int. WLT-Conf. on Lasers in Manufacturing , Munich, June 2007
(5 S.), 2007
Zintzen, B., Langer, T., Geiger, J., Hoffmann, D., Loosen, P.:
Heat transport in solid and air-clad fibers for high-power fiber lasers
Opt. Expr.
15, 16787-16793, 2007