Real-time measurement and control technology

Our range of services

Many modern applications in industry or in the laboratory require uninterrupted data processing in real time and high computing power on demand. To meet such demands, Fraunhofer ILT develops solutions specific to an application for devices in manufacturing and laboratory measurement technology.

Powerful electronic units are central elements for the connection to sensors and actuators specific to a device. They can be designed as open platforms that allow specific functions to be implemented flexibly and cost-effectively. In addition, communication interfaces can be implemented into systems that are important for laser technology applications, such as for the connection of scanner systems and sensors.

Modular concepts consisting of central base boards with versatile interfaces and a matching portfolio of peripheral boards make it possible to assemble electronic units specific to an application for new devices. This way, data can be processed in real time. Hardware interfaces also allow the connection of laser beam sources, scanners, A/D and D/A converters, encoders, photomultipliers, photodiodes, PLCs, precision scales and other modules. Applications include devices in laser measurement and laser medical technology, such as distance sensors, microsorter and laboratory devices based on fluorescence measurement technology.

The range of service we offer includes feasibility studies for customer-specific tasks, the development of new processes, components and equipment, and individual consulting.

Optoelectronic D/A converter for fiber-optic transmitted control signals with connected optical waveguide (blue).
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Optoelectronic D/A converter for fiber-optic transmitted control signals with connected optical waveguide (blue).
Circulating measuring radiation of the "bd-1" for direction-independent geometry measurement during Laser Material Deposition. Alignment of powder focus, position of the processing laser radiation (green) and measuring radiation (red).
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
Circulating measuring radiation of the "bd-1" for direction-independent geometry measurement during Laser Material Deposition. Alignment of powder focus, position of the processing laser radiation (green) and measuring radiation (red).
»bd-4« sensor and FIRE data processing electronics with fiber optic measuring arm (yellow).
© Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen, Germany.
»bd-4« sensor and FIRE data processing electronics with fiber optic measuring arm (yellow).

Measurement of Geometric Dimensions

  • Laser-measurement processes (interferometry, triangulation) for measuring distances and thicknesses
  • Absolute-measuring interferometric sensor technology (»bd-x«)
  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT)
  • Applications in manufacturing and process control and integration into control loops
  • Inline monitoring and control of laser manufacturing processes (cladding, welding depth, surface structures, drilling, additive manufacturing)

Chemical Analysis

  • Spectroscopic measurement technology, laser-induced breakdown spectrometry (LIBS)
  • Process analysis of metals, ceramics, glass, slag, raw materials, dust
  • Analytics for mechanical recycling, automated sorting processes
  • Positive material identification (PMI): 100% inspection of semi-finished and finished products in the production line
  • Spatially resolved elemental analysis; purity analysis of production samples, micro-inclusions and segregations in metals


  • Opening up new fields of application for laser measurement technology
  • Evaluation models and prototypes for industrial applications
  • Customer-specific systems for measuring tasks in production


Laser technology can solve demanding tasks in many different industries. Whether as a tool in automotive production, as measuring equipment in the environmental sector, as a diagnostic or therapeutic instrument in medical technology or as a communication medium in space technology, the laser provides multiple uses with high productivity and high efficiency.

Read up about the innovations of the Fraunhofer ILT in a few selected industries and convince yourself!


Research with us!

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about general topics! Our contact persons are happy to get in touch with you.


Donges, A., Noll, R.:
Laser Measurement Technology
Heidelberg [u.a.]: Springer 2015,
Springer Series in Optical Sciences,
Vol. 188. ISBN 978-3662436332

Noll, R., Hölters, S., Kämmerling, J., Lenenbach, A.:
Laserabstandssensoren messen die Dicke von Walzbändern
QZ 58 (10), 44-47 (2013) 

Sturm, V., Eilers, D., Werheit, P., Chiarotti, U., Volponi, V., De Miranda, U. Zani, M., Makowe, J.:
Elemental monitoring of steel scrap loading an electrical arc furnace
Metallurgical Analysis,  Vol. 32 (6): 18-23

Hölters, S., Overbeck, J., Ederleh, L., Michaeli, W., Lenenbach, A., Noll, R.
Präzise Messtechnik für komplexe Mehrschichtfolien
Coating Int. 43, Nr 9, 6-12

R. Noll, M. Krauhausen
Online laser measurement technology for rolled products
Ironmaking & Steelmaking
35, 221-227, 2008

R. Noll, M. Krauhausen
Online Lasermesssysteme für die Stahl- und Automobilindustrie
Düsseldorf: VDI 2008
VDI-Berichte. Bd 2011
pp. 3-12

R. Noll, M. Krauhausen
Online-Prüfung von Bändern und Rohren
Bänder Bleche Rohre
49, 72-75, 2008

A. Lenenbach, S. Hölters, R. Noll
Optisches Online-Messverfahren zur Überwachung von Wandstärken an Stückgütern in der kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie
2011, 33-41, 2008

R. Noll, M. Krauhausen
Autoteile unter Laseraugen
Laser + Photonik
2, 30-33, 2007

R. Noll, M. Krauhausen
Den Bewegungszustand des Blechs einfrieren
QZ Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit
52, 36-40, 2007

R. Noll
In: Handbuch zur Industriellen Bildverarbeitung. Hrsg.: N. Bauer. Fraunhofer IRB Verl.
56-60, 2007

R. Noll, M. Krauhausen
Lasertriangulation für die Online-Messung geometrischer Größen in der Produktion
In: Handbuch zur Industriellen Bildverarbeitung. Hrsg.: N. Bauer. Fraunhofer IRB Verl.
260-275, 2007

R. Noll, M. Krauhausen
Online-Lasermesstechnik für Walzprodukte
stahl und eisen
127, 99-105, 2007

Our services cover a wide range of topics. Related topics and further research and development projects can be found under the following links.